Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) began seeking feedback from recreational users via survey in 2022.

The survey aims to understand what is important to visitors across the 22 storages we manage.

On this page you will find a brief snapshot of the results and themes captured from the 406 responses received as part of the 2023/24 survey, which ran from December to February.

Thank you to everyone who took part. We value your feedback and will incorporate themes and results into our annual planning and operations.

Key insights

Feedback on recreation and facilities offers valuable insights into your preferences for recreational activities at the water storages managed by GMW.

Key insights captured are outlined below, or download a copy of the full results.

About the participants

  • 406 users

    took part in our annual survey.

  • 98 per cent

    are repeat visitors.

  • 66 per cent

    stayed overnight or longer.

  • 70 per cent

    said they visited all year round.

Most popular storages

The top five GMW-managed storages (this response allowed multiple selections) amongst participants were:
  • Lake Eildon

    63 per cent

  • Lake Mulwala / Yarrawonga Weir

    33 per cent

  • Lake Eppalock

    31 per cent

  • Nagambie Lakes / Goulburn Weir

    31 per cent

  • Greens Lake

    30 per cent

Visitor insights

GMW managed storages are key drivers for tourism and the visitor economy across Victoria. Responses were received from people residing in regional Victoria (67.5 per cent), metropolitan Melbourne (29 per cent) and interstate (three per cent).

The majority of participants identified themselves as visitors (74 per cent) and local residents (18 per cent).

  • Age groups

    We received responses from recreational users aged from 16 years through to 65+ years.

    The majority of participants were aged 35-65 years, with people aged 45-54 years the most represented (28 per cent).

  • Time of visit

    Most respondents said they visited GMW managed storages for recreational purposes all year round.

    Summer and autumn are the most popular seasons to visit.

  • Why GMW storages?

    Reasons why respondents choose our storages for recreational purposes include:

    • Access to the water/boat ramps
    • Camping
    • Location/proximity
    • Amenities provided
  • Point of origin

    More than half of respondents travelled over 100km to reach the GMW-managed recreational areas of their choice.

    A quarter travelled up to 100km and 21 per cent travelled less than 25km.

  • Length of stay

    The majority of visits to GMW water storages were for overnight or multi-day stays. Less than half were for a day visit only, and a third were for a week or longer.

  • Repeat visitors

    GMW-managed water storages and recreational areas are popular places to visit and continue to attract repeat visitation - 99 per cent of respondents identified as regular visitors.

Safety and accessing information

The safe enjoyment of the recreational areas we manage is our number one priority so you will find information on waterway regulations and boating safety in place at water storages and online.

Understanding how recreational users access information supports the delivery of this important information.

  • Important information

    The provision of information by GMW is important to those that visit the recreational areas we manage.

    Most important are safety and operational information, including:

    • Blue-green algae alerts
    • Boat ramp access
    • Operational information including water levels, fire danger risks
    • Local waterway rules
    • Road access changes

    Followed by:

    • Public amenities including all-abilities facilities
    • Upcoming events, and
    • Local visitor information / interpretation
  • Accessing Information

    Respondents said they prefer to access and receive information from GMW via our website, social media and signage on location.

    Respondents were aware of a range of recreational and safety information available on a variety of websites.

    These include:

    • Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) (74 per cent)
    • GMW (65 per cent)
    • Maritime Safety Victoria (56 per cent)
    • Facebook (42 per cent)
    • Regional visitor information sites (26 per cent)
    • Local Council (24 per cent)
    • Instagram (11 per cent)