Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) is undertaking a review of the costs of providing services to our Diversions customers.

Feedback received by the Essential Services Commission (ESC) on GMW’s Price Submission 2024 led to a recommendation that GMW considers reviewing the collection and accuracy of its data, and the assumptions that underly the calculations of all its Diversions tariffs.

This will ensure that costs for Diversions customers are cost-reflective and efficient.

During the review, GMW is committed to:

  • Capturing data on actual activities undertaken for Diversions customers
  • Reviewing data collected for activities and ensuring it aligns with Diversions Inspectors’ duties and core functions
  • Testing the assumptions made in setting all Diversions tariffs

Customer Reference Group

As part of the Diversions Cost Review, GMW has established a Customer Reference Group.

The Group will be involved at key times throughout the review, and is representative of all Diversions customer groups - large, medium and small customers from the regulated, unregulated and groundwater services.

The Group held its first meeting in late August 2024.

After an Expression of Interest period, we are pleased to announce the following membership for the Diversions Cost Review Customer Reference Group:

  • Nicholas Legge
  • Geoff Voigt
  • Cameron Reid
  • Graeme Watson
  • Christopher Ramsay
  • Heather Thompson
  • Peter Serpell
  • Jason Reid
  • Adrian Tuddenham
  • Richard Carter
  • Brian Reid

Terms of reference for the Group can be found in the Document Library on this page.