Goulburn-Murray Water's (GMW) service standards are our service delivery commitment and provide a measure for GMW to monitor performance against.

Service standards are derived from the priorities that our customers have identified as important to them, and specify the quality, availability, and reliability of the services customers can expect to receive from GMW.

As part of our engagement for Pricing Submission 2024-28, we are seeking to identify whether customers require any changes to our service standards.

What are we asking you?

We are asking our customers for feedback on our proposed service standards.

Below is a summary of each proposed service standard and the options for potential changes that we’ll ask your opinion on.

Proposed Service Standards

  • Licensing and Administration

    1. We process all allocation trade applications within five days
    2. We process all water share applications within ten business days
    3. We process all change of ownership applications within ten business days
  • Customer Service

    1. Complaints to GMW per 100 customers (5 year rolling average)
    2. Complaints process managed to the satisfaction of the customer
    3. Calls are answered within 60 seconds
    4. We respond to complaints in writing within three business days
    5. First-point-of-call resolution
  • Groundwater supply

    1. We process groundwater transfers within 70 days
  • Licensing and Administration

  • Customer Service

  • Groundwater Supply